Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Fernando Torres's Song
1) Guess two or three ideas you expect to find in the lyrics. Write down your ideas at WORD LEVEL.
2) Listen to the song and follow the lyrics. You'll notice it's a short story itself.
3) Make a question for every sentence. There's a variety of tenses.
4) Can you make up another song about a different sportsperson?
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
An A to Z of Australia
aborigine - beach - crocodile - diamonds - emu - football - good - Harry - immigrants - James - kangaroo - Kylie - language - Melbourne - no - opera - population - Qantas - Russell - soap - time - Uluru - visa - wine - Xmas - youth - zinc
Michael, Alberto, thank you for dropping in at our school.
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Lewis Hamilton cheated in the first Grand Prix of the season in Australia. He was caught then and now he apologizes.
Anyway, we shouldn't be so strict with Hamilton. Come on! As a F1 driver he is expected to arrive the first, to be the fastest, not the most honest! Doesn't it happen the same with politicians?
In what situations do people apologize? What words and expressions do you expect to hear in an apology. Think of how you apologize.
Compare your guessings with Hamilton's words. Any coincidences?
Watch the video again and try to transcribe Hamilton's key phrases or sentences.
Can you rewrite Hamilton's apology in other words?
In pairs, write down an apology for having cheated in an exam. Then role-play it.
Do you want some more apologies? Here you are. Listen to Monica.