Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Moving and handling patients

  • monkey pole (n): a horizontal bar to assist patients with independent movement between sitting and standing positions (Sp. bastidor manual de ayuda).
  • slide sheet (n): a sheet used to reduce the effort required to move a patient (Sp. camilla deslizable).
  • rope ladder (n): a ladder made of two long ropes connected by wooden pieces used by the patient to pull themselves into a sitting position (Sp. escalera de cuerda).
  • hoist (n): a piece of equipment used for lifting heavy objects with ropes (Sp. grúa).
  • banana board (n): a flat board used to transfer patients with a 45° angle at its midpoint (Sp. plancha de transferencia a 45º).
  • hand blocks (n pl) these are like handles; they add length to the arms so patients can move themselves in bed (Sp. soportes para manos (n).

Monday, 12 May 2014

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Application letter sample

CV sample